
bullying is aggressive and poisonous, the person makes you feel worthless by targeting you. 
This is harmful to our psychological wellbeing and everyone is suspectable of that. The person who is targeting you, try the best to feel that you are not enough and you deserve better. 
The children who experience bullying are at risk of developing mental health problems such as depression and anxiety. The child may lack confidence and he might seem shy and introverted to you.
Children are afraid to share with parents that they are being targeted and need some help. 
As parents, it's our job to develop a healthy and effective way of communication with our children. They want to be heard and listen to. They need our support and help to understand the dynamics of the social aspect and how to handle such situations. Adult also faces such problems at the workplace and in an educational institution as well. A situation like such hamper the aspects of individual personal, social and aspects and sometimes people are targeted at workplace too.   
effective ways are required to prevent such situations by educational institutions and at work place to support and integrated everyone. Laws and rules such as anti-bullying and anti-harassment need implement so everybody works in a safe and supportive environment.  



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