Religious Tolerance

Tolerance is allowing, permitting, and accepting any belief, act, idea, object, person, action, or situation with subjective contexts like the person himself dislikes or disagrees with it an all-ways or means. 
When it comes to religion, then tolerance toward any belief and practice, allowing other people to think and practice their religion. In a country and state, religious tolerance means the government is allowing other faiths to be there.

It does not mean that everyone should follow one religion and belief system, but it is all about respecting and accepting others to live in a peaceful society. 

Religious Intolerance;

It is the intolerance against another belief system and religion. Sometimes people think the criticism is necessary if you find any belief wrong; even people use to do it in the same faith. There are many sects and groups in one religion, and sometimes people are so rigid in the belief system that they behave toward their religion become violent. They spread in a society which directly affects their life and so as the life of people around them.


Religious tolerance is essential for a society to live in peace to get along in case when there are many cultures and religions with a variety of people with their religious beliefs and practices. It is essential for a peaceful society where everyone has freedom of religion. Unity and consistency are the most critical and useful outcomes of practicing the tolerance of religion. 

Our existence depends upon existing peace, where people have a different view of living their life at their own will. To some extent, some experts believe that criticism is an essential part of religious tolerance. 

It allows other people to practice their faith without any interruption, harassment, or discrimination. If not, otherwise, society will become a battlefield where people will target others. And they will end up hurting each other; the result will be drastic as it will directly create an imbalance in society. The violence will be a dangerous outcome for intolerance. 

Interfaith dialogue;

Interfaith dialogue is a way forward to increase religious tolerance, and it will result in Interfaith Tolerance. These are a form of discussion that refers to cooperative, constructive, and positive interaction between people of different religions and beliefs.
Religion tolerance is all about coexisting whose ways of life are different than yours. It is the first and fundamental right of every Human being to act and chose freely. Being respect full to others is also a reflection of your religious belief system. Because no religion teaches you to be disrespectful toward those who are different from you in any form it a belief system or faith anyone has.

A way Ahead;

By teaching the people that there are multiple religion perspectives such are not valid and disrespectful according to your point of view. We cannot change the historical perspective, and equal people are attaching philosophically to their belief system. Hurting the sentiments of any individual can have drastic effects, so targeting any group or segment of society may have long repercussions. 

Tolerance can help us listen generously. It’s not about someone’s belief is wrong or false, but to let the person group let them live with it. It is allowing them to practice their religion, not to pass judgment in a disrespected manner. It also means that avoids any hate speech just to let them down. Avoid forceful conversion, or collecting the mob from attacking their place of practice. 

Some belief is real, and some are false no matter what as a result, some are valid, and some are not. We need to accept others who are different the way they are. But to live is a society every culture has a combination of multiple religions. The only way to flourish and grow is to spread the message of peace and interfaith harmony.

There is a way where people have the opportunity to learn about other people’s belief systems. 

It also helps people to learn, understand, and challenge their belief system. It’s a two-way approach. If we only focus on other belief or faith and do not learn and research. Then it will end upon noting but only a casual talk that is too self-centered and subjective. It will also result in disrespect to other people. It should be free from discrimination and intolerance.


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