Peace; Peace value high among humanity. Some people can acquire it as Peace at all cost," and for some, it comes as "No war but Peace." war is never good, so Peace is never wrong. Peace is a state where everyone is free from every form of disturbance and in a state of freedom. Peace is a country where there is no war or war has ended. Peace is also associated with a state of harmony. Peace sounds a word, a subjective word that is associated with emotion or sentiment. The Peace varies from inner Peace and Peace in the physical surrounding. Type of Peace; Peace of Ease; Where is someone at the state of Peace he relaxes? It comes in many forms as you look into your favorite movie, you feel Peace after listening to some awaited good news. You feel Peace after completing a job done. Peace of Tranquility; This kind of pace that Mind and Body at a deeper level. Like you experience quite a place away from crowded or after mediation, you reach that leve...
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